--- format: Markdown toc: no title: Benpro.fr ... Welcome here! This is a tiny website (based on gitit wiki), used to inventory some of my works/contribs/contents. I’m Benoît S. a.k.a Benpro, Geek/Hacker/Sysadmin, traveling in Japan until September 2020. I’m passionate about the world of free software and Japanese culture. If you want to contact me, go ahead, my mail is benoit@benpro⊙fr. You can also find me on Freenode IRC Network, idling somewhere on multiple channels (/whois benpro). # About Me - :page_facing_up: [CV]() # Websites - :camera: [Photos](https://photos.benpro.fr) - :clapper: [Media](https://media.benpro.fr) - :pencil: [Blog](https://blog.benpro.fr) - :japanese_castle: [Mini Oppai Fansub Team](https://mo-f.fr) # Services ##### Public - :clipboard: [Lutim instance / pictures hosting](https://pics.benpro.fr) - :floppy_disk: [PrivateBin instance / pastebin-like](https://paste.benpro.fr) ##### Restricted access Want an access to one of my service? Jusk ask me. - :books: [Tiny Tiny Rss instance / RSS Reader](https://rss.benpro.fr) - :elephant: [Mastodon instance / alternative to Twitter](https://toots.benpro.fr) - :movie_camera: [PeerTube instance / alternative to YouTube](https://videos.benpro.fr) - :floppy_disk: [Archivebox instance / archive.org-like](https://archive.benpro.fr) - :camera: [Pixelfed / alternative to Instagram](https://pix.benpro.fr) - :computer: [The Lounge / IRC web client](https://irc.benpro.fr) - :file_folder: [GitLab instance / alternative to GitHub](https://git.benpro.fr) - :globe_with_meridians: Two Bind DNS server, master and slave. ##### Semi-private (family and friends). - :tv: [Plex instance / own VOD system](https://plex.benpro.fr) - :cloud: [NextCloud instance](https://cloud.benpro.fr) # Find me on - :elephant: [Mastodon personal](https://toots.benpro.fr/@benoit) - :elephant: [Mastodon pro](https://mastodon.evolix.org/@benoit) - :camera: [Pixelfed personal](https://pix.benpro.fr/benoit) - :file_folder: [GitLab personal](https://git.benpro.fr/benoit) - :octopus: [Github](https://github.com/benpro) # Other - [Sysadmin Tips](SysadminTips) - [Encoding Tips](EncodingTips) - [Basic CPU Benchmark on GCP/Vultr/Hetzner/Scaleway](CPUBenchmark) - [Animes List](AnimesList) - [Animes Blu-ray collection](BDsCollection)