\begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth}% 45% of the page width for name
\vspace{-\baselineskip}% Required for vertically aligning minipages
% If your name is very short, use just one of the lines below
% If your name is very long, reduce the font size or make the minipage wider and reduce the others proportionately
\colorbox{black}{{\HUGE\textcolor{white}{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{Benoît}}}}}% First name
\colorbox{black}{{\HUGE\textcolor{white}{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{S}}}}}% Last name
{\huge System administrator}% Career or current job title
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.275\textwidth}% 27.5% of the page width for the first row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip}% Required for vertically aligning minipages
% The first parameter is the FontAwesome icon name, the second is the box size and the third is the text
% Other icons can be found by referring to fontawesome.pdf (supplied with the template) and using the word after \fa in the command for the icon you want
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.275\textwidth}% 27.5% of the page width for the second row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip}% Required for vertically aligning minipages
% The first parameter is the FontAwesome icon name, the second is the box size and the third is the text
% Other icons can be found by referring to fontawesome.pdf (supplied with the template) and using the word after \fa in the command for the icon you want
Geek, Hacker, amateur Photographer, Free Libre Opensource Software lover. Using GNU/Linux distributions since my adolescence, I quickly began in love with FLOSS and work only with it. I try to not use proprietary software as much as possible.
{Sysadmin at Evolix, a french open source managed hosting provider. Managing a pool of 700+ servers for our customers. I covered many aspects, from building an infrastructure from scratch to final production, monitoring and managing customers needs.}