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2017-10-02 21:21:03 +00:00
format: Markdown
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title: CV
2017-10-02 21:21:26 +00:00
2017-10-02 21:21:03 +00:00
I'm not really seeking for a job, at the moment I'm a Sysadmin at Evolix.
Just keeping my CV online (and versionned in GIT hell yeah).
[benoit@brain ~]$ uptime
00:00:00 up 9131 days, 0:00, 1 users, load average: 0,10, 0,20, 0,30
[benoit@brain ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : Benoît
cpu family : S.
model : human male
model name : benpro
cpu Hz : 2Hz IRL, 10Hz when using a computer, but scheduling can
be slow or may hang!
cpu cores : I have only one brain.
flags : serious, independent, rigorous, self-taught, otaku, geek,
[benoit@brain ~]$ route
Route of studying (all in France)
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags
LPRO SIL ASR IUT Paul-Verlaine Metz 57000
BTS IG ARLE Lycée Ozenne Toulouse 31000
BAC PRO MRIM Lycée Eugène Montel Colomiers 31770
CAP AMMB Lycée Eugène Montel Colomiers 31770
default self-taught 0
[benoit@brain ~]$ lsb_release -a
Professional experiences
LSB Version: 2011→current
Distributor ID: Evolix
Description: French Opensource IT company
Release: sysadmin
[benoit@brain ~]$ lsmod
Activated modules (Knowledge list)
Size: 1 "I know a little about it", 2 "experienced", 3 "expert".
Module Size Used by
Shell/Bash 3 computer languages
PHP 3 computer languages
HTML 2 computer languages
CSS 2 computer languages
C/C++ 1 computer languages
SQL 1 computer languages
Java 1 computer languages
Ruby 1 computer languages
git 3 dcvs
svn 2 dcvs
cvs 1 dcvs
MariaDB/MySQL 3 databases
MongoDB 3 databases
PostgreSQL 1 databases
Oracle 1 databases
Debian 3 GNU/Linux distribs
Ubuntu 3 GNU/Linux distribs
Archlinux 3 GNU/Linux distribs
Redhat/Centos 2 GNU/Linux distribs
OpenBSD 2 BSD distribs
FreeBSD 2 BSD distribs
Apache 3 Services
NginX 3 Services
Munin 3 Services
Bind 3 Services
Proftpd 2 Services
Nagios 2 Services
Squid 2 Services
Tomcat 2 Services
Postfix 2 Services
Samba 2 Services
LDAP 2 Services
CUPS 2 Services
VMware 2 Hypervisor
KVM 2 Hypervisor
VirtualBox 2 Hypervisor
Xen 1 Hypervisor
Port Trunking 2 Switchs
VLAN 2 Switchs
Spanning Tree 1 Switchs
Static routing 2 Routers
Dynamic routing 1 Routers
pfSense 3 Firewall
Netfilter/iptables 2 Firewall
PacketFilter 1 Firewall
Assembly 3 Hardware
French (native) 3 Languages
English 2 Languages
Japanese 1 Languages
And many others, thanks to FLOSS, I can learn all day, that is really
great !
[benoit@brain ~]$ ls -l ~/passions
Japanese culture, especially pop.
Photography, especially macro.
Opensource/Hacking, yeah, that's a passion!
[benoit@brain ~]$ ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled (Sysadmin oriented blog)
[benoit@brain ~]$ more ~/cv
2017-10-02 21:21:26 +00:00
Ask me! benoitbenpro⊙fr